Design Team Call

Hello friends,

We are seeking creative individuals who love planning community and are active on social media outlets to make pretty things with our monthly boxes, releases and stickers, and share them with their followers!
If you would like to apply please send an email to : by 10th  of March 5 EST with subject: Royal Planner Design Team and please induce following :
1. Name, City / Country you live in
2. Your social media links- please include Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest,Facebook, Twitter
3. Your most favorite 5 photos of your planner that best represents your style (doesn't have to be only Royal Planner products) Please do not  attach more than 5.
4. Tell us your experience! How long have you been crafting/ planning, current / past design teams and your term, your favorite social media outlets to post as well as why you would like to be part of our team!

You will hear back from us no later than May 15th! And this open UK girls and International girls!

We are exited to hear from you! If you have any questions please leave them down below!



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